How everything began ...
Alpacas and llamas are extraordinary animals, who are usually found in South America. They are usually extremely dangerous: If you look in their eyes for too long, you will fall in love and wish to get them as pets.
That's how it went for us in 2015 when we met alpacas for the first time and looked into their beautiful eyes. The search for a suitable patch of land was long and hard, but within the Spring of 2019, we finally got lucky and found a good place.
Obviously, we had already informed ourselves extensively during these four years about the requirements we need to fulfil to hold them. This included buying many specialist literatures based around these animals, and visited multiple alpaca exhibitions.
We were on a lucky streak, because very soon afterwards, we had also found a breeder, who had many animals for sale. Remember the "if you look in their eyes for too long ..."-part? Our plan was to start with two or three alpacas. But in the end, we decided to get six. However, we still had to do some arrangements: Build a new fence, prepare the shed, buy food, etc. Furthermore, a beginner’s course for alpaca husbandry was on the agenda.
On the 10th of June, after a rather sleepless night, we finally greeted our six new family members. But getting alpacas is not the end of our story. We decided to go through the German bureaucratic, and after almost two years of experience and multiple seminaries, we got our licence to offer alpaca hikes in early 2021.